What is Orgonite?

How did we get here?

Over the past 10 years or so our journey as individuals and together has changed and morphed. We often liken this pattern of change to the movement of a spiral as we continually come back again and again to similar concepts and learning, looking at them from a new angle on each lap. This sometimes feels like a sort of shape-shifting, morphing with the changing times as we are constantly evolving through our own practices and observations.

Personally, through the practice of yoga, I fell in love with the idea of ‘discipline’. Before such a time, I had felt that freedom would be found through rebellion. The rebel path felt like the way for me and yet I kept ending up in the same situation… unhappy and unsatisfied.

Yoga taught me, I could choose my own discipline, I could stand in my own power and open myself more and more to my own essence. Initially I wasn't so sure what was happening, or how to best describe the process of transformation I went through. Through much practice and many hours of learning, I found what most resonated with my experiences. So simple, and yet so profound.

I had become aware, radically aware. This awareness has led to so many areas of exploration, tools and practices to support the art of awareness.

A few years back, as we dived into the world of Energy Medicine, Energy Psychology and Somatics we came across a man who could be considered the father of all these branches, Dr Wilhelm Reich. Reich was an Austrian scientist, inventor, author and primarily a psychoanalyst. He was born in 1897 and died under questionable circumstances from a heart attack in an American prison in 1957. Reich dedicated his life to his work around Orgone/etheric energy (aka. Prana).

Through his work and inventions Reich had success working with and curing cancer patients with his Orgone Accumulators, he also invented what is now known as a ‘cloud-buster’ - a device that brought rain to drought affected areas of the USA.

It is often suggested that through Reich’s work with Orgone energy (and the work of Nikola Tesla) that the foundation was created for the creation of Orgonite devices.

So what did Wilhelm Reich discover?

In Reich’s work as a psychotherapist and through his observations of human behaviour, especially sexual energy (which came from the influence of Fraud’s Libido) he discusses in much detail the energetic patterns of the human orgasm. This pattern consists of “mechanical tension - bio-energetic charge - bio-energetic discharge - mechanical relaxation”. This initial work has given Reich the well deserved title as one of the fathers of body-work as well as different styles of Somatics, Bioenergetics and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE).

Reich’s study started in the realms of psychology, then he moved to more of an electrical based understanding and then to a biological approach, which is where he discovered what he calls ‘Bions’. This discovery is what led to the greater understanding of Orgone Energy.

“Orgone energy was discovered in a bion culture”

“The term ‘bion’ refers to the vesicles into which all matter disintegrates if made to swell. These vesicles represent transitional forms between non-living and living matter. The bion is the elemental functioning unit of all living matter. At the same time, it is the bearer of a quantum of orgone energy and, as such, functions in a specifically biological way. It is an energy unit, compounded of a membrane, a fluid content, and an amount of orgone energy, ie., an ‘orgone energy vesicle".

*For more information refer to ‘The Cancer Biopathy’ and ‘The Bion Experiments’ by Wilhelm Reich.

Without holistic observation and acceptance that all life is connected, it is seemingly easy to fall into the limited, detail-bound world of reductionism. Reich spent his life fighting for truth against a system that is deeply saturated in dogma, for the purpose of global control.

Through discovering what Reich coined ‘The Orgone’ he had really rediscovered what the Yogis call Prana, TCM call Chi, and what the Greeks called Ether (among many other indigenous cultures worldwide).

So what is Orgone?

  • Matter arises from mass-free Orgone energy

  • Orgone is the medium for the two forces of physics, one - the electromagnetic spectrum, and two - the gravity/levity phenomena.

  • Orgone appears in several different forms - Oranur (Overcharged orgone), POR (Positive Orgone Radiation), DOR (Deadly Orgone Radiation)

  • Orgone energy fills all space in differing degrees of concentrations.

  • Orgone is in constant motion.

  • Orgone ‘contradicts’ the law of entropy. It is attracted to itself, and flows from low potential (percentage) to high potential.

  • Orgone is responsible for the phenomena of life, and spontaneous generation of living organisms out of non-living matter (bions)

  • Water condenses in the presence of high POR, forming clouds.

  • Steel, copper and other diverse metals (not all metals), attract, and repel some forms of orgone like that of a magnetic field.

  • Atmospheric Orgone transforms into biological Orgone when forced to travel through biological matter, like that of the polyester resin and metal combination in Orgonites.

  • Orgonite was created, based on Reichs discoveries, by Austrian Karl Hanz Welz in 1991.

  • Welz took the idea from the Orgone Accumulator (ORAC) and created the Orgone Generator, which transforms DOR into POR, it was then named Orgonite.

  • The resin-metal matrix translates Orgone, and creates an Orgone field like a generator transmuting Orgone energy. These energies can guard your home against DOR (deadly orgone), and transmute negative energies into POR (positive orgone).

* For more information refer to ‘How to make the world's best Orgonite’ - Thomas Eidsaa

Potential Benefits of using Orgonite

  • Can help to support the improvement in sleeping patterns

  • Can support the purification of the air

  • Can support the growth of plants

  • Can support the reduction in radiation from unneeded energy (protection against EMF)

  • Can help to balance moods

  • Support in stress relief

  • Supports the enhancement of psychological and spiritual well-being

  • Can help to decrease a person’s sensitivity to unbalanced forces

It is interesting to note, orgonite in no way blocks EMF, but it repairs, and protects EMFs effect on the atmospheric and biological Orgone fields.

So how did we get here?

Through the exploration of Yogic practices as well as Energy Medicine/Psychology techniques, it became an embodied truth that we as humans are much more than mere machines. Yet if you are trying to seek a greater understanding through only mainstream scientific materialism based sources you may find yourself hitting dead ends a lot of the time. The answers to the bigger questions do not exist in materialism - in fact as Reich puts it, materialists are in the habit of denying anything that accepts life as something functional, which in turn is constantly in a process of positive evolution.

He refers to himself (and those who choose to holistically look at biological life) as ‘functional natural scientists’, and those who fall under the limitations of scientific materialism as ‘mechanistic/mystic scientists’.

It has been approximately 100 years since mainstream science has popularised the denial of any existence of the ‘ether’. I will leave a question here for you, the readers, own personal further investigation: ‘Who benefits from suppressing the discovery of Orgone/ether/source-field?’

I know for myself, even before my journey into Yoga, I felt there was something missing. I couldn't get excited about learning at school, or anything really but I could feel the ‘bigger picture’, yet I wasn't aware of what I was tapping into. I believe there are many like me, we feel something, we connect to something bigger, something, some idea that we are all inherently connected to… We feel/sense/know that life isn't this doom-filled-mechanical experience and then you just die and forever cease to exist.

There is beauty and magic everywhere.

As I became more aware (and aware that I was aware), I wanted to fill in some of the blanks that I felt were there my whole life. Here we are, together filling in these blanks.

I practice yoga, I meditate, I use Energy Medicine techniques daily, I eat plant based, I drink high frequency water (without fluoride!), I walk barefoot, I talk to trees, I talk to animals, I practice self reflection, I love my friends deeply, I have a loving, meaningful and deeply connected relationship with my beautiful husband who is on this journey with me.

Through all of this we have found Orgonite.

It was an evening in December, lying in bed. Like many other times in my life - an idea came in so hard and fast that I am really not sure where it came from. This one was - ‘You are going to create Orgonite Pyramids’. Shocked probably isn't the right word, as at this stage I didn't even know what resin was!!

Luckily my husband is a little more onto it, and from the next morning the journey began. It has become all consuming and an incredible journey into greater awareness of our own once again, while at the same time getting to create beautiful devices that support even more aware living for so many of the humans we love and beyond!

For further reading

  • http://wilhelmreich.gr/en/orgonomy/orgonomy-and-biogenesis/bions/

  • https://www.psychorgone.com/history/wilhelm-reichs-bion-experiments-an-unusual-origin-of-life-research-program

  • All of Wilhelm Reich’s books

  • James DeMeo’s Research in repeating Reich’s experiments


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